Beautiful Horse Haven


Foals: Colts and Fillies

"Here," I explain as we walk down the copplestone path and back over the bridge, "is where the little foals stay. They seem to enjoy keeping company with the Draft Mares. They appreciate having a female there, but they also get much more to eat here, as there is more grass on this hill. After this, I will take you back to the barn, where you can take a look at my tack room.
Now, just to explain... Here, all precious memories are preserved. No matter what, they stay real and in tact. If you love one foal in particular, you could come back in thirty years, and he or she will still be here! Memories never die... nor do these little foals. The memories will stay here even though their bodies will grow. It is a nice way to show how precious life is, whether it's taken, or given."
They will not find their names here, and never will, but as soon as they grow, tey shall.
[Snowflake Appy] 'This little girl is Rodella, and she's certainly found her way into my heart,' I say quietly as she trots over.
[Dunskin Tovero] 'Born with 5 points, here's the stud himself! He's a Dunskin Tovero,' I smile brightly.